About Me

I am a person with a huge imagination that drives me crazy, but also keeps me sane.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Nexus Count Down

September 6, 2010
Nexus started the night by bragging about their path of destruction and domination they left behind last week on Raw, but before they were done the Viper Randy Orton interupted them and bragged about how he eliminated two of the Nexus members in less than 30 seconds. Wade Barrett and Randy Orton's egos would collide. The General Manager announced that since Justin Gabriel would face John Cena and the main event would be Wade Barrett against Randy Orton. He also announced that none of the other members of Nexus would be able to be at ringside during both matches. Of course Justin Gabriel was defeated by John Cena, but Wade Barrett and Randy Orton's match was intereesting because Wade Barrett went up and up with the Viper, but when all odds went to Wade the unexcpected happened. Former member of Nexus Darren Young entered the arena with a micraphone and called Wade Barrett out. Wade Barrett mistakenly took his eyes off of the Viper Randy Orton and paid the price of recieveing a vicious RKO and losing the match. Even though wade Barrett lost the match cause of a slight distraction; Barrett wasn't the only one to recieve an RKO because Darren Young mistakenly thought his distraction would welcome him into the Vipers good will, but instead it welcomed him into the Viper's arms that led to a deadlier RKO.

September 13, 2010
Nexus' presents was felt, but not untill the very end when Randy Orton and John Cena went one on one in a tables match. towards the end of the match the five members of Nexus barged into the ring and stomped on the two superstars. But one by one Nexus fell by tables and finishers. Micheal Tarver Suffered an RKO, David Otunga Suffered an adittude adjustment, but Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, and Wade Barrett were destroyed by being thrown and pushed off the ring and into tables.

September 19, 2010
At Night of Champions leader of Nexus Wade Barrett was part of the six pack elimination match for the WWE Championship. In the match; the other four members of Nexus interfeired with John Cena and got him eliminated, but not even with the help of his four allies could Wade Barrett win the WWE Championship match.

September 20, 2010
The main event would be Wade Barrett one on one with johns Cena for the first time, but Wade Barrett thought that since John Cena wanted to run his mouth he'd make the one on one match into a gaunlet match, so Cena would have to go through all four members before he could get to Wade Barrett. Cena eliminated all members one by one by deafeting Heath Slater and David Otunga by pinfall, Micheal Tarver by Submission, but before he was able to pin Justin Gabriel; Nexus charged into the ring and tried to pumble Cena untill he got hold of a steel chair. Nexus fled to the stage and John Cena Challenged Wade Barrett to a match at Hell in the Cell. Barrett agreed and said if Cena loses he will be come a part of Nexus, but Cena retaliated by saying if Wade Barrett lost Neexus is done for good. Wade Barrett agreed with confidence and and stared into the eyes of Cena without blinking.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nexus United

August 2, 2010
Monday night Raw started off with Edge wanting to go one on one with Wade Barret, so the general manager made it happen. Wade Barrett went up and up with Edge untill edge pulled out all his signiture moves. Wade Barrett lost control of the battle, but decided it was time to bring on the war by exiting the ring before Edge had a chance to spear him and gave the signal for Nexus to come out and demolish Edge. But before Nexus got their hands on Edge; he made another escape by leaping over the barracade and running into the crowd. Later on in the night Micheal Tarver and David Otunga would inform the Great Khali that they didn't attack him last week because they respect him and there is always a spot on Nexus for him where he would be respected. The Great Khali would face Ted Dibiase one on one and as it seemed like Ted Dibiase had it won; Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield would come by ring side which distracted Dibiase for the moment and cause him to submit to Khali's vise grip. Khali than looked upon the two members of Nexus and left the ring.
August 9, 2010
This week Nexus wanted to make sure that team WWE doesn't get any replacements by pumbling everybody that looked like a possible recruit to team WWE. Nexus started this mission by first attacking the Hart Dynasty in the locker rooms. Mark Henry would later tell John Morrison and R-Truth that they didn't have to worry about anything because he is going to join the team; but what they didn't know was that Nexus was watching there conversation, so Wade Barrett signaled for Nexus to go out and handle the world's strongest man. After that conversation went down; Mark Henry entered the arena to face Ted Dibiase, but before he was able to enter the ring Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel got in his way by blocking the ring stairs off. Before Mark Henery was able to do any thing about it the rest of Nexus came out from behind; ambushed him and left him on the floor beaten down. Later on the Great Khali challenged Wade Barrett to a one on one match up; but the Great Khali wouldn't get the chance because Nexus would attack him backstage and put him out for the night and from the WWE team. Nexus then entered the ring and say a few words. Wade Barrett talked about how they have and will accomplish so much more than anybody in the WWE. Skip Sheffield said that Bret Hart is going to end up like Mr. Mcmahon and Ricky the Steamboat, broken and forgotten. David Otunga gave a warning to the rest of the WWE superstars that if they are thinking about joining team WWE think about what Nexus has done to the Hart Dynast, Mark Henry, and The Great Khali. After Nexus said their words the main event of the night would start: John Cena and Bret Hart v.s. Chris Jericho and Edge in a lumber jack match with Nexus surrounding the ring. Jericho and Edge threw Cena out of the ring for Nexus to attack a couple of times, but when Jericho got thrown out they didnmt touch him untill Jericho accidently punch Wade Barrett out of the ring. Wade Barrett didn't like that so the next time Jericho was thrown out Nexus beat him down; they didn't stop even when Edge came to help, they just beat him down as well. Nexus finally stopped when they noticed that Bret Hart was beating down Justin Gabriel in the ring. Wade Barrett pulled Justin Gabriel out to safety, re-grouped, and they all entered the ring to attack Cena and Hart. But Cena and Hart wouldn't fight alone because R-Truth and John Morrison entered the ring as well. Chris Jericho and Edge would come to an agreement and rejoined team WWE. As the two teams faced off the crowd went wild and it turned into an all out brawl, but ended with Nexus fleeing to the crowd once again and looking down at 6 men they have to destroy at Summer Slam.
August 15, 2010
At Summer Slam Nexus started off the PPV with a bang by interrupting the Intercontinental championship match and obliterated Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston. Wade Barrett said that was a message for team WWE. As the main event 7 on 7 tag team elimination match began; team WWE was still short one, so the Miz thought it was he who would've been the saviour of the WWE, but instead it was former Nexus member Daniel Bryan. Nexus was shocked at that surprise, but still thought they could still dominate this team. Unfortunatly Nexus went down one by one untill there were none of them left. Even though Nexus lost their first ever PPV match to team WWE; I know that Nexus will not let any of these action slide by. They will destroy team WWE one by one and Desimate the traitor Daniel Bryan.
August 16, 2010
Nexus started off Monday Night Raw by announcing that last night they were defeated, but what doesn't kill them makes them stronger. Wade Barrett said that everybody was worried about what would happen if Nexus won; when they should've been worried about what would happen if they lost. Now that they have tasted defeat; they will bring more chaos and destruction to the WWE. John Cena interupted Wade Barret and teased each member and bragged about his win over Nexus. The General Manager announced that all members of Nexus will face members of Team WWE in one on one matches and if Nexus interupts any of the matches they will be delt with. Wade Barrett said that is fine with him because if any members of Nexus losses they will be exiled. Wade Barrett def. Chris Jericho by pinfall, Micheal Tarver def. Daniel Bryan by pinfall thanks to a distraction from the Miz and Alex Riley, Justin Gabriel def. Bret Hart's replacement Randy Orton by count out, Skip Sefield and David Otunga def. John Morrison & R-Truth by pinfall, Heath Slater def. Edge by count out, and John Cena def. Darren Young by submission. After Darren Young's loss to Cena; Nexus allowed Cena to leave the ring unharmed while they exiled the weak link Darren Young by beating him to the ground and kicking him out of Nexus. Now Nexus stands tall and strong, but only with six members in thier dominating group.
August 23, 2010
The General Manager of Raw asked Nexus to come out half way through the show; they stood tall as one on the stage next to WWE champion Sheamus. The GM told Nexus that he was impressed at what they did last week and he has decided to eliminate the rule that Nexus cannot go after any championships, so Wade Barrett approached Sheamus and told him that their truce has been terminated. At the end of the night Sheamus tried to skipp this months pay per view Night of Champions by facing an opponent for the WWE championship right now. He beat Zac Rider easily and said that he didn't need to compete for the whole month. Untill Wade Barrett came out and put a frown on the Celtic Warriors face by telling him that since he won season one of NXT he earned the right to have any championship match at any pay per view he chose. Wade Barrett chose Night of Champions for the WWE championship against Sheamus. The GM agreed with Wade Barrett, but he also had a surprise; since Sheamus didn't pick any of the competitors that won tonight, the GM will have to make the WWE championship match at Night of Champions a six pack match. Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Edge, and John Cena were put into the WWE championship match as well and they all entered the ring. Everybody looked at each other in a circle untill Sheamus pushed Wade Barrett in the middle and let him get stomped on by the rest of the superstars. Even though Wade Barrett expirienced how it felt to be on the wrong side of the table he still stands a great chance at becoming the next WWE Champion.
August 30, 2010
Tonight's main event was Nexus against Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Sheamus, Edge, and John Cena in a 5 on 5 elimination tag match. but before that happened Wade Barrett said that they will make tonights 900th episode unforgetable. Nexus attacked the Undertaker when he was attacking Kane; at first Undertaker looked as if he could handle them on his own, untill the lights went out and when they came back on the Undertaker found himself on Wade Barrett's shoulders and slammmed to the ground. The main event started with Chris Jericho and Micheal Tarver, but to the Nexus's surprise Jericho got him self counted out. This time Edge started the match, but yet again to Nexus's surprise Edge got himself disqualified by pushing the referee. Now it was five on three and Nexus hadn't even broken a swet; Cena entered the ring and did all he could but had to tag in Sheamus. Sheamus tried to beat Nexus by himself, but failed to tag in his partners while members of Nexus were going in and out of the ring with tags and Sheamus was eliminated by Heath Slater. Cena quickly eliminated Heath Slater and David Otunga, but he was destroyed by Justin Gabriel's surprising 450 Splash. Now it was 3 on 1 Orton v.s. Barrett, Gabriel, and Tarver. Justin Gabriel celibrated too much and got an RKO out of no where, then Micheal Tarver missed Orton's head and got set up with an RKO. Randy Orton was dominating untill Wade Barrett pulled off his devistating slam on Orton and won the match. Tonight Wade Barrett stood on top of Monday Night Raw.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Nexus Continues

July 5, 2010
After that the mystery General manager would want Wade Barrett and John Cena to call a truce, but Cena wouldn't have it and tried to attack Wade Barrett. Nexus sprinted to Barretts aid and attacked Cena, but it didn't last long before the Raw superstars would yet again come to Cena's aid, but this time Darren Young (a member of Nexus) was left behind for Cena to torcher.
July 12,2010
The next Raw the GM would make a handicap match 6 on 1 Nexus against Cena, for Cena's actions last monday. The match turned into a 6 on 1 instead of a 7 on 1 match because of Cena's actions against Darren Young the following week, but before the main event started; Nexus would attack all the Raw supertars such as Yoshi Tatsu, John Morrison, and Evan Bourne that helped John Cena in the following weeks. Cena started off good, but he had no success on keeping Nexus seperated from tagging each other. John Cena made numerous mistakes against Nexus and was unable to defeat the 6 dominating superstars.
July 13, 2010
After mondy night Raw; Nexus would return home to NXT to fight the new rookies and pros of NXT in a 3 group battle royal Rookies v.s. Pros v.s. The Nexus. At the begining of the Battale Royal all 6 members of Nexus exited the ring, waited for people to be thrown out of the ring and pounceed on all the eliminated superstars like a pack of wolves. As the numbers went down Nexus returned into the ring to obliterate the remaining superstars; many tried to form an allience with Nexus, but they all came up unsuccesful, and Nexus came up victorius yet again by dominating all the pros and rookies one by one.
July 18, 2010
The following sunday was the pay per view "Money in the Bank" where John Cena would face the Celtic Warrior Sheamus for the WWE championship in a steel cage match. The fight went on for a period of time untill Nexus decided to interupt the fight and beat down both superstar. The seven superstars brought their dominant sides to fight and a bolt cutter to enter the steel cage, but they were unable to enter the ring because the WWE referees took the bolt cutters away and threw the keys into the audience. While Nexus was arguing with the Referee John Cena tried to make an escape, but Justin Gabriel, Micheal Tarver, and Darren Young prevented him from escaping by holding him against the steel cage. On the other side of the steel cage Sheamus was also trying to make an escape, so Heath Slater tried to stop him from escaping, but he was too late. Sheamus dropped his feet to the ground, retained his WWE championship, and quickly exited the ring side. Once again Nexus has cost John Cena the WWE Championship and made another impact on the WWE.
July 19, 2010
The next night on Raw Chris Jericho and Edge would have a confrintation in the ring and they would both say that they could be a leader for Nexus. That caught Nexus's attention, so they entered the ring and told Edge that Chris Jericho is right they don't want what he has to bring to the table. Edge suffered a brutial attack that ended with a spear from Skip Sheffield and the Walls of Jericho form Chris. Chris Jericho felt proud about what just happened untill Wade Barrett told him that Edge was also right and we don't want your help either. Before Jericho was attacked he jumped on to Wade Barrett and started pound his fist into his back; but with Wade Barretts 6 allies there he wasn't successful in getting away with it. Chris Jericho Suffered the same fate as Edge. Later on in the night John Cena would meet Nexus in the ring to ask for another truce, but Wade Barrett would refuse and tell him to join the Nexus and accomplish so much more, but John Cena Refused, so Wade Barrett gave him two more options 1. walk away with his tail between his legs or 2. stay in the ring and get the worst beating Nexus would ever give. Cena chose to walk away, but he didn't leave; he stopped at the ramp and told Nexus that he just wanted to see what they would say if he tried to make a truce. Cena also revieled that he has been quietly been forming a team that will take them down at SummerSlam. Cena's teamates were John Morrison, R-Truth, The Great Khali, Chris Jericho, and Bret the Hitman Hart. Cena's team charged the ring to attack Nexus, but Nexus quickly ran out the ring and into the audience. Cena stayed in the ring with his teamates, but from crowd Nexus would stare down upon a new threat to their dominance.
July 26, 2010
The next week Cena's team showed gaps and fustration as all the members of his team fought against one another which led to edge facing the great khali one on one. Nexus didn't let them finish that match. As Nexus approached the ring Edge fled the ring while Khali stayed and ended up in the middle of the Nexus team. Nexus let the Great Khali leave the ring showing the WWE universe that everyone is afraid of them no matter who you are. After that Nexus had a 7 on 7 elimination match against Mark Henry, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, Jerry the King Lawler, and Gold Dust. One by one Mark Henery's team was eliminated while the Nexus stood strong as seven; First Yoshi Tatsu Eliminated by Micheal Tarver, Second Jerry the King Lawler eliminated by Heath Slater, Third David Hart Smith eliminated by Heath Slater, Fourth Gold Dust was eliminated by David Otunga, Fifth Mark Henry Eliminated by Skip Sheffield, Sixth Tyson Kid eliminated by Darren Young, and Seventh Evan Bourne Eliminated by Wade Barrett and then attacked by David Otunga and Justin Gabriel. Wade Barrett then told everybody what they wittnessed was an act of total Domination and said that Cena's team is already showing cracks that'll show at SummerSlam. Skip Sheffield then said that Cena's team is full of individuals that wouldn't sacrafice themselves for the group like they have done and that they were unbrakable. Micheal Tarver would continue by saying SummerSlam wouldn't be any different from what they did this night and that they would eliminate all of Cena's team members untill there its 7 on 1 and he hopes that the 1 left would be John Cena

The Nexus aka NXT 7 Official Titantron (HD)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nexus beginning

NEXUS; the next generation of WWE superstars. Before they were the dominating group known as Nexus; they were seven individuals: Darren Young, Micheal Tarver, Skip Sheffield, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, David Otunga, and Wade Barrett fighting eachother on a show called NXT and trying to make it as WWE's next breakout star. After months of embarassment and humiliation; NXT went from having 8 rookies to 1 WWE superstar, Wade Barrett. Wade Barrett earned a WWE contarct and a title shot for any championship of his choosing.
June 7, 2010
After NXT season one was over; Wade Barrett became apart of Monday Night Raw and shocked the world by bringing destruction not only upon the WWE champion John Cena, but also upon the WWE employees and he didn't do it alone. The 8 NXT rookies entered the arena with Wade Barret from the crowd and helped him pummle Cena in the ground and attack the announcers, bell ringers, camera men, and any object that was WWE property.
June 14, 2010
Wade Barrett later explained that it wasn't personal towards anyone and their problem was towards the WWE management, for making them look like fools and kicking them off WWE like scrap pieces. Before any of the NXT rookies were eliminated they all made a promise to do what ever it takes to get all of them contracts and that's what Wade Barrett did. He kept his promise, formed the group Nexus and made an impact on the WWE by destroying the WWE champion and the employees. Then Nexus would Demand WWE contracts for all of them, but Bret Hart refused and fired Wade Barrett, so Nexus would try to destroy Cena again, but The Raw superstars would retaliate by coming to Cena's aid when Nexus attacked him for the second time, so Nexus obliterated Bret Hart in the back room where no one could help him.
June 20, 2010
The following sunday would be the first pay per view known as Fatal 4 Way; the WWE Championship would be defended in a fatl 4 way match with the wwe champion John Cena, the opertunistic Edge, the Celtic Warrior Sheamus, and the Legend Killer Randy Orton. Their battle was epic; two men were left outside of the ring while Nexus entered the arena and started to demolish John Cena. Edge tried to hep Cena, but he was no match for Nexus; they trew him out of the ring and pumpled him into the ground, but while they were distracted with edge; Sheamus pinned Cena's lifeless body and won the WWE Championship. After winning the WWE Championship; Sheamus fled the ring before Nexus could do anything, then he re-apeared at the top of the stage and Nexus chased after him, but wasn't successful in catching him.
June 21, 2010
Mr Mcmahon would appear on the next Raw and let everyone know that Bret Hart was fired from his General Manager position and a mystery GM would be in charge and the mystery GM gave Nexus WWE contract. Earlier in the night Sheamus would thank Nexus for the oppertunity. Later that night Nexus would have Mr Mcmahon's head on a platter, Nexus attacked mr Mcmahon and showed him no mercy what so ever.
June 28, 2010
The following week Nexus and the Raw superstars weren't allowed to touch each other, but that didn't stop Nexus from making an impact. Nexus would continue their dominance by attacking WWE legends Jerry The King Lawler, Dean Malenko, Michael P.S., Hayes Arn Anderson, and Ricky the Steamboat and many more legends. Nexus strategicaly eliminated 4 of the 5 Legends and left Ricky the Staemboat in the ring to suffer the most horrific beat down.